Events on: Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Spiritual Leadership: Honoring Creation and Embracing Justice

Registration closes on Monday, October 14.

CBF and its partners are pleased to co-host a two-day Faith Forum dedicated to exploring the vital role of spiritual leadership in caring for creation, especially in the face of climate change, at
Second Presbyterian Church of Richmond on October 16, and Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond on October 17.

Partners in the event Include:

Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Church in the Public Square
Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, Virginia
Union Presbyterian Seminary
Virginia Interfaith Power and Light

We are honored to have two distinguished keynote speakers, Dr. Norman Wirzba and Dr. Melanie Harris, who will share their profound insights on how spiritual leaders can guide their congregations in embracing justice and honoring creation. This forum is presented by the combined efforts of Union Presbyterian Seminary, Second Presbyterian Church of Richmond, Virginia Interfaith Power and Light, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. It will be a unique opportunity to connect with fellow spiritual leaders, share experiences, and gain valuable knowledge on leading your community toward a more sustainable and just future.

Registration closes on Monday, October 14.

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