Annapolis Oyster Gardening Workshop

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Saturday, August 10, 2024 10:00AM - 12:00PM EDT


Philip Merrill Environmental Center

6 Herndon Avenue
Annapolis, MD

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CBF Maryland Oyster Restoration

Event Details

Registration Deadline: August 8, 2024

This event is for all new oyster gardeners to get the supplies and training necessary to grow oysters. Due to space limitations, participants may bring one guest.

There is a one-time start-up fee of $50 to help offset the cost of supplies.

During the two-hour workshop, you will learn about oyster ecology, the importance of oysters to the Chesapeake Bay, and how to care for your oyster garden. You will also construct four oyster gardening cages that you will use to grow your oysters. Once the cages are finished, each registered participant will receive two bags of oyster "spat on shell" to take home and care for over the fall, winter, and early spring months. Once grown to adult size, gardeners will return their oysters to CBF for replanting onto a nearby sanctuary reef. The now hardy adult oysters will remain on the sanctuary where they can provide water quality and habitat benefits for the Chesapeake Bay.

For more information on water quality requirements and program specifics, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Another workshop is being held on Kent Island on August 29. Feel free to choose the location that works best for you.

Please reach out with questions or concerns to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

* Volunteers understand that all spat-on-shell provided remains the property of CBF and is to be returned at the end of the growing season.

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Event Registration

  • Registration for this event is now closed.